Creative Prayer
Join us to try creative methods of prayer - focusing more on visual and sensory elements,
rather than words. This group, and retreat, is open to people of all ages and all abilities.
"Let them praise him with dancing." Psalm 149 Retreat: Friday 8th - Sunday 10th November 2024
The Creative Prayer retreat is led by Emily Hollins. A retreat for everyone. We will use all our senses and bodies in prayer, including activities such as music, dance, and visually reflecting on art.
This retreat is for all ages and abilities retreat to escape the busyness and explore different ways of praying.
Worth Abbey,
Paddockhurst Road,
Turners Hill
RH10 4SB
8th - 10th November 2024
How Much?
Single room: £195
Single room (student/unwaged): £150
Shared room: £180 (per person)
Shared room (student/unwaged): £135