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Families are a very important part of our community. As an all age community, parents and children are integrated into everything that we do. At our larger meetings, we have dedicated children’s programmes which aim to provide a mix of faith and fun. We employ youth leaders to work with our children and teenagers and we run teenage weekends for our older children. Every week, families meet together to pray online allowing our geographically dispersed community to create and make our community live.


Many of our events are open to everyone. If you would like to know more, contact


The Lay Community of St Benedict also works in partnership with Colour and Shape. Colour and Shape is a growing online community of parents, grandparents, godparents, teachers, catechists, children’s liturgy leaders, clergy, and anyone else with the privilege of accompanying children and young people on their adventure of discovering their own relationship with God.


The Colour and Shape community explores how to live a joy-filled life of faith that creates sacred space in the home and celebrates the liturgical seasons of the church creatively and sustainably. Here we can discover our family’s unique rhythm of prayer, learn how to accompany our children well, and find friends along the way to support and inspire us.    

Hiking Trail

Let us open our eyes to the light that comes from God.

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