LCSB Quotes

LCSB Quotes emails members a spiritual quotation every day. If you would like to participate in quotes, just email to be added to the mailing list.
LCSB Quotes is based on members occasionally supplying a week’s worth of quotes from their own spiritual reading. The results can be wonderfully varied; past contributions have ranged from St. Teresa of Avila (“If you want to recite the Our Father well, you must not leave the side of the Master who taught it to you") all the way to Winnie the Pooh (“How do you spell love?” asked Piglet. ”You don’t spell it . You feel it” replied Pooh).
“Quotes 2” is a simplified version of Quotes for LCSB Seekers.
LCSB Quotes and Quotes 2 are administered by Stephen Serpell and Derek Oakley.

"I warmly endorse the celebration of the Benedictine way of living the Gospel. Blogs, talks and podcasts will highlight the inspiration that St Benedict brings to people's lives today, while community events and times of prayer will enable active participation in this way of life. St Benedict says that guests are to be received with humanity and humility, two qualities that I hope will characterise the experience of those taking part in the week."
Dom Christopher Jamison, Abbot President of the English Benedictine Congregation